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Stephen Seymour
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Mr. Seymour reads Night-Time Animals
Added May 28, 2020
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nighttime animals we've talked about animals being nocturnal animals that sleep during the day and are active at night written by Grace maybe illustrated by Jim is keenly porcupine porcupine at night they climb high in pine trees munchies Twigs Buds and bark during the day they sleep in Hollow trees or between rocks on the ground of porcupines back sides and tail are all covered with quill if an enemy touches the porcupine or gets smacked by the porcupines tail these quills come loose and stick into the enemy's skin pouch opossum when opossums are born they still have a lot of growing to do the 5220 babies crawl into the mother's pouch on her stomach when they come out about 10 weeks later their mother carries them around on her back what a fun way to travel during the day or possums usually curl up and sleep in a safe High at night they come out to look for food opossums are not picky eater they eat mostly any kind of plant or animal beavers did you ever hear of an animal that chops down trees a beaver does it leans its front feet against the free and shoes to the wood when the long strong teeth Lodge in the Water The Lodge keeps B is warm and dry because the entrance is underwater the lodge keeps the beaver safe from enemies to frogs the bullfrog is the largest frog in the United States its body is about 8 in Long butts legs are longer about 10 inches long in or near streams and Pawn on spring and summer nights you can hear the males calling him deep loud voices I'm like a frog a toad has dry bumpy skin on the Rocks hide during the hot days how to catch insects spiders earthworm the red fox foxes can see hear and smell very well these sharp senses help them to hunt at night the smallest sound or movement of the grass tells the fox that a mouse or other small animal is near the fox quickly jumped on that spot to catch a tasty dinner when they're born they're born in the litter a group of young fox foxes usually live by themselves except when they're raising a family then the mother in Sharon on the ground n or a hollow log with four to nine pups the parents teach young foxes how to hunt in a few months the pups go off to live on their own barn owls fly to the darkness with hardly a sound ears and eyes help with sense tiny movements would it locates a mouse rat or other small animal the owl swoops down quickly to catch its prey Owl's Nest holes in the cliff or nests that other birds have left both the male and the female guard the 2 212 eggs and attack any enemy the dares to come near the nest mouse mouse comes from the word that means Thief the mouse got its name because it often slips into Barns and houses to eat grain and other food people store their mice are also fond of sweets they especially like candy and even if you spot Mouse in your house are probably many many more or have babies very quickly you can often hear them scampering around at night looking for food a meadow jumping mouse stop this little animal jumps to the woods in The Meadows receives insects and berries to eat its long back legs along with long tail help jumping the grass are under in the winter they often Degas not burrow in the ground here they hibernate or sleep until spring comes raccoons raccoons front paws are almost like an erection uses its paws to catch frogs crayfish fruit seeds and other food to a raccoons pause can also get it in trouble these animals are good at opening garbage cans rating chicken coops and stealing corn happy to have a raccoon around during the day and play sometimes you can hear her screaming in the woods at night rabbits during the day rabbits sleep in Burrows are under piles of leaves or rocks the sun come out of their homes to eat if a rabbit senses danger it will sit very still but if the other animal comes to close the rabbit will quickly hop away haters here's that live in the Deep desert throughout the day when it's very very hot at night they come out to find plants to eat hares are usually bigger than rabbits but like rabbits hares have long strong back legs Danger a Dormouse is a good climber Borough or nest in a hollow tree near the animal sleeps through the winter hedgehogs the sharp spines on the Hedgehog's back make it look like a small porcupine what it's the Hedgehog makes it spine sticks straight out he can also curl up into a spiky ball most animals won't try to eat that hedgehogs are born with their sharp spines beneath their skin soon after birth the spine start to pop out it's a good idea to keep away from this animal a skunk has a special and very unpleasant way of Defending itself it sprays an awful liquid call Musk from glands under his tail the smell of musk in last 4 days most animals only make the mistake of attacking sistrunk once skunks usually live in underground burrows at night they come out and look for food insects small animals fruits and nuts and eggs are some of the skunk's favorite food and last but not least that's most bath cannot see very well but their sense of hearing is very sharp that's making squeaky noises then they listen to The Echoes of the song as they bounce off of different objects this keep the bat from flying into things in the dark it also helps them to catch insects as they fly it's called echolocation wow that's a lot of animals that are using our forest at night instead of during the day
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Stephen Seymour
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