RSU 14 Odyssey of the Mind teams prep for upcoming tournament - from The Windham Eagle Odyssey of the Mind (OM) is an extracurricular opportunity typically designed for students ranging in elementary and middle school that allows them to use their creativity, ingenuity and energy to contribute to something bigger and outside of the classroom environment.
Pre K Lottery and Kindergarten Registration is Now Open!. The 2025-26 registration for both the RSU14 PreK lottery and Kindergarten is now open! Click the headline to be taken to the RSU14 registration website.
Therapy Bunny sparks academic and social engagement for RES students - from The Windham Eagle A fluffy new classmate is hopping into the hearts and minds of Susan Brackett’s fourth grade class at Raymond Elementary School. Since October, Peaches, a 15-month-old Red Flemish Giant rabbit, eagerly greets the students each morning, spending time with them during quiet classroom moments and at the end of each day. The students, in turn, welcome the bunny with even greater enthusiasm.
Come Join the RSU14 Transportation Team! Get paid now to train for your commercial bus license with our dedicated staff trainer!! For more information on schedules and to apply contact the Transportation Department at 207-892-1809.
Age Friendly Raymond promotes generational connections - from The Windham Eagle Even though Age Friendly Raymond has only been up and running for six months, that hasn’t stopped volunteers from bridging the gap between seniors and youth in Raymond. What started as a small gesture of kindness has grown into something much bigger.
SAVE THE DATE! RSU 14 Transportation Department’s BIG YELLOW BUS RIDE August 29, 2024 Take a ride on the BIG YELLOW BUS! Learn About Bus Safety & Expectations
RSU14 District Art Show 4/29-5/3 Join us in celebrating young artist! Opening reception April 29th, 5-8:00pm. at WIndham High School. Show is on display April 29 - May 3.
Penobscot leader inspires RES students about Maine’s native history - from The Windham Eagle To gain a better understanding of indigenous history and culture, Raymond Elementary School invited John Bear Mitchell, a Penobscot Nation citizen and lecturer specializing in Wabanaki and Multicultural Studies at the University of Maine in Orono, to speak with each class from kindergarten through third grade on Friday, March 29.
Windham resident part of Congressional Gold Medal ceremony in Washington - from the Windham Eagle March 21 is a day that Malinda “Mindy” McKinney of Windham will never forget as she was part of a Congressional Gold Medal ceremony in Washington, D.C. recognizing her late father for his service during World War II as a member of the secretive U.S. Ghost Army.