EmpowerME, a Health Empowerment Series from BTI BTI has partnered with the Opportunity Alliance and the City of Portland to bring our community a monthly webinar health series to help with the many isolation, health and behavioral health issues that we are all dealing with. Please spread the word and attend a many of them as you can. Click on the headline for full series information.
RSU14’s Mobile Meals Van As we strategized how to meet the nutritional needs of children and families on their virtual learning days, we wondered about the possibilities of a food truck.
Staff and Community Update from Superintendent Chris Howell. Staff and Community Covid Update 06-11-2021
District Heat Update - Early Release Info for Tuesday 7/8/2021 Good afternoon,Thank you for all of your patience and understanding as we navigated a hot day in the district. We are anticipating a second school day tomorrow that will have high temperatures and a high heat index. Each of our facilities will be running all of the air handling systems overnight to bring in as much fresh air as possible. We anticipate that this will help to lower the temperatures enough so that we can hold a half day of school tomorrow. RSU 14 students will be dismissed early tomorrow. Middle and High School students will be dismissed at 11:00. Elementary students will be dismissed at 12:00. Due to the early dismissal, the mobile meals van for Raymond Elementary pick up will be moved to a different location. Meals can be picked up in the Jordan Small Parking Lot.Thankfully, this appears to be the end of high temperatures that will impact school schedules. Cooler temperatures are on the horizon for Wednesday.Chris HowellSuperintendent of Schools
RSU14 will be holding a “Remote Learning Day” Tuesday 02/02 Due to the anticipated inclement weather, RSU 14 will be holding a Remote Learning Day Tomorrow. All RSU facilities will be closed to in-person instruction. Students should plan on completing the assignments that are communicated by teachers. Assignments are designed to be completed asynchronously. Teachers will be available online for support during the times that they have communicated. In addition to completing the assignments for tomorrow, we encourage all students to spend some time outside and away from screens. For those individuals accessing RSU school meals, please use your storm pack for tomorrow. The Mobile Meal Vans will not be operating in the snow.Enjoy the snow!Chris Howell - Superintendent RSU 14
Alicia Keys - Good Job - A Tribute to Covid-19 Heroes Raymond Elementary School would like to share this video by Alicia Keys - Good Job - A Tribute to Covid-19 Heroes
RSU14 is hiring! RSU14 is looking for qualified applicants to fill a variety of positions - teachers, long term substitutes, custodians, nurse assistants, more. Follow link for information.
Education moves out of doors. RSU14 has created multiple outdoor learning spaces to allow teachers and students to move their instruction outside.
New Information for Families of Incoming Kindergarteners Letter to the Parents and Guardians of incoming Kindergarteners